Naira Perdu et Vicente Prieto - Widmung (Dédicace)

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image - Naira Perdu et Vicente Prieto - Widmung (Dédicace)

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Widmung (Dédicace)

Johannes Brahms, Clara Schumann, Robert Schumann

Lorsque trois grands artistes comme Johannes Brahms, Clara et Robert Schumann se sont rencontrés, un lien humain et créatif de calibre historique s'est établi.
La façon dont leurs vies se sont entremêlées a donné lieu à un lien énigmatique entre leurs œuvres, une inspiration qui coulait de l'un vers l'autre comme un torrent incontrôlable.
"Widmung" est un récital de piano inédit dans lequel les lettres comme témoignage et la musique comme témoin plongeront les interprètes et le public dans l'histoire qui a uni ces trois grands musiciens du romantisme.

VICENTE PRIETO is a concert pianist acclaimed for his musical intelligence, sensitivity and profound playing. In the recent years, he has been awarded in several international competitions: 1st Prize at the “XV Cox Competition” (Spain, 2018), 1st Prize at the “III Clamo Music Competition” (Spain, 2016), “XVI Maria Giubilei Competition” (Italy, 2015), 2nd Prize at the “91 Leopold Bellan Competition in Paris” (France, 2018), 2nd Prize at the “III Primavera Pianística Competition” (Belgium, 2015), Special Prize of the Jury at the “I Coimbra World Piano Meeting” (Portugal, 2016). His concerts have so far taken place in Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italy and Israel. As a soloist, Vicente Prieto has performed with different orchestras such as Murcia Youth Orchestra, Hims Mola Orchestra, Elche Symphony Orchestra or Symphony Orchestra of the Region of Murcia, performing concertos such as Rachmaninov n.2, Chopin n.2, Mozart K.488, Martinu Concerto for double orchestra, piano and timpani or M. De Falla Nights in the Gardens of Spain. At the present, Vicente Prieto is living in Brussels where he finished his Master Diploma with “High Distinction” in the class of the great pianist Boyan Vodenitcharov. He receives lessons from Maestro Aquiles Delle Vigne and since 2011, he works with the Symphony Orchestra of the Region of Murcia, expanding his vision of music and receiving advice from great conductors.
NAIRA PERDU combines Spanish, English and Persian roots. During the last year she has been awarded in three international piano competitions: 1st Prize and Absolute Prize at the Sardoal International Piano Competition, Portugal,1st Prize at the international competition "La Camenae d'Oro" in Italy and 2nd Prize at the Ruza International Classical Music Competition in Moscow. She has played in Spain, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Austria, Israel and Russia and she has collaborated in several occasions with the Bilbao Symphony Orchestra and Murcia Symphony Orchestra, also as a soloist. She studied Piano Bachelor Degree at the Royal Conservatory of Murcia, Spain obtaining “High Distinction” for her final recital, in the class of Prof. Pilar Valero, and studied Piano Master Degree at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels in the class of Prof. Boyan Vodenitcharov, obtaining “High Distinction”. Naira also studied at Alcalá de Henares University with professor Rohmann Imre in 2011 and nowadays under the guidance of Maestro Aquiles Delle Vigne. Naira was recently selected to play at the prestigious "Wiener Saal" in Salzburg and invited last December to play at the "Clara Schumann Weekend" festival in Moscow.
Since 2011, they have worked intensively on the PIANO DUO repertoire offering many recitals and performing with orchestra some concertos such as Bach Concerto for 2 pianos in C minor BWV 1060 with Elche Symphony Orchestra conducted by Leonardo Martínez (October, 2011), the Carnival of the Animals from C. Saint-Saëns (March, 2014) and Mozart Concerto for 2 pianos in E major K.365 (November, 2015) both with Symphony Orchestra of the Region of Murcia conducted by Virginia Martínez. In August 2016 they were granted a scholarship to attend the Tel-Hai International Piano Festival in Israel where they had the opportunity to study with the Kanazawa-Admony Duo. In February 2017 they played in a world premiere choreography from Ivan Vassiliev, with the first dancers from the Bolshoi theater of Moscow. This year they have been invited to be part of the jury at the Villa de Molina Competition in Murcia, Spain.

Art Base, Sunday 24/5/20 11h, 12,50E ( reduced 7E for students under 26 and jobseekers),
29 rue des Sables Zandstraat, 1000 Bruxelles. For reservations & more info to

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