porn gaze & documentary perspectives

image - porn gaze & documentary perspectives

A propos

The man who perceives all
Emre Busse, Germany, 2024, 9’
In his provocative new work of existential science fiction, Emre Busse invites his audience to question the meaning of “the gaze” as part of the post-human experience by replacing the eyes on the face with the orifice. This jarring visual and switch from the literal to the metaphorical leaves the protagonist to redefine his own human desires while reinventing his new self. In this new, surreal world of customizing sexual desires, one is left to question why they have been programmed to accept the bare minimum of their deepest desires in the first place!
Emre Busse (born in Istanbul, based in Berlin), an art historian and filmmaker, specializes in contemporary sexualities and trans-cultural pornography studies.
Mes Chéris
Jamal Phoenix, Ethan Folk, Ty Wardwell, Germany, 2020, 12’
Part documentary, part pornography, Mes Chéris is a transboi’s farewell to his boobs. One month before his mastectomy, Jamal Phoenix takes on the role of Chéri, a character modeled after his experiences as a Fierce Fem sex worker. This raunchy tribute subverts straight porn tropes and mainstream trans representation in a radical act of self-love.
Ethan Folk, Ty Wardwell, and Jamal Phoenix are Berlin-based artists who have been making porn together since 2018. Their previous collaborations, Brunch on Bikes and The Pizza Topping, can be found at the intersection of funny food and fucking. Discover their work at .
CLAP! Collectif, Nova Medusa, Belgium, 2024, 16’
To finally start her hormonal transition, Nova needs to go through one last step : the freezing of her gametes. To support her in this difficult masturbatory endeavour in a hospital ward, Matos, Estech and Aimé-es decide to accompany her. Armed with their cameras, lights and colour gel filters, the dream team of CLAP ! infiltrates the ART service to make this trial the most pleasurable as possible.
Gametes is an ode to T4T loves, mixing documentary and fiction to highlight a little-known stage of MtoF transitions.
CLAP! is a trans and non-binary porn collective based in Brussels, Belgium. Founded in 2021 around their shared queerness and desire to produce pornographic content without the weight of traditional hierarchy and power dynamics as well as creating a safe experimentation space. Fluidity in roles, breaking down the barrier between acting and production and creating as a queer community are their main goals.
Total: 37’
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