fantasstic worlds

image - fantasstic worlds

A propos

Chen Yu-Ling, Huang Jing-En, Taiwan, 2023, 2’
A man did obscene things to a bunch of shoes in a gay sauna.
The team has two members. After completing this animation, one likes worn shoes, but the other is just okay.
Jakol Or (Post-Nut Clarity in ''D'' Major)
Doydoy Megriño, Philippines, 2022, 4’
A man masturbates to a memory.
Doydoy Megriño is a budding regional filmmaker from Davao, Philippines. His films explore themes of loneliness, rural sexuality and human rituals.
Pussy Love
Linda Krauss, Germany, 2023, 4’
Cool Cat invites you! To join the world of Pussy Love. Enjoy a show of lust and laziness! Let’s have fun with tits and dicks. The claws are sharp, the soda is sparkling and the fur is getting wet. Romance is kitsch. But even the most jaded cat can still be lost for love.
Linda Krauss is a German animation director. She studied at Vancouver Film School in Canada focusing on stop-motion animation with her diploma project. She continued her studies back in Germany at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, exploring 2D and 3D animation as well as visual effects. With ‘Pussy Love’ she graduated from Filmakademie.
Once in a Full Moon (wip)
Bande James Bond, Belgium, 2025, 26’
Once in a Full Moon is a romantic fable about a Little Vampire, the Moon, and their impossible love. In a fantastical and sensuous world, the Little Vampire is faced with a fateful choice : his eternity (and cursed soul) in exchange for a fleeting flame of love - a single, passionate and precious night beside his beloved Moon, who has yearned for him for nearly 1,312 years.
Bande James Bond is a collective born in Brussels (2022), with a desire to weave a queer and humorous gaze into the cinematic portrayal of sexuality. In the creation of its own unique genre, it gives birth to a fantastical hybrid - a blend of erotica, drama, musical, and camp.
Total: 36’
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