Antimatter (UK) 25th Anniversary

image - Antimatter (UK) 25th Anniversary

A propos

will celebrate its 25th anniversary, and they are going to celebrate
with a series of exclusive shows. It promises to be a special show with
new work for the audience
a duo, dark progressive art-rock outfit Antimatter has been the solo
project of singer-songwriter/founder-member Mick Moss since 2005 and the
subsequent release of the breakthrough album ‘Leaving Eden’. Since
then, album ‘The Judas Table’ was declared ‘Album Of The Decade’ by Dead
Rhetoric, promo video ‘The Third Arm’ was nominated for Prog Awards
‘Video of The Year’ and Moss also found the time to moonlight his
signature baritone vocal onto the official Armenian Number 1 single
‘Broken Smile’ (The Beautified Project). Now over 20 years since
Antimatter’s formation, and 7 studio albums in, there seems to be no
sign of slowing down.
Préventes : 25€ (tous frais compris)

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