Sold out: Rebetiko Trio - Karapataki, Papatragianni, Petropoulos

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image - Sold out: Rebetiko Trio - Karapataki, Papatragianni, Petropoulos


We are proud to invite a rebetiko trio by the members of the infamous Rebetiko band Kompani?a straight from Athens. KOMPANI?A is a 7-piece band that presents Rebetiko and Smyrneika songs, the traditional urban Greek music; the so-called‘ Greek blues’. Sometimes with a twist and sometimes in the original way, but always in the up-tempo, dancing mood of the band, Kompania brings this music to the present.
One of the top rising stars amongst Greek women singers, Ioulia Karapataki, meets the renown rebetiko singer for the last two decades, Soti?ris Papatragiannis, and the virtuoso bouzouki player, Thodoris Petropoulos. Together, they give their very own view of rebetiko songs. Love and sorrow meet laughter and dance!

Rebetiko is the classical Greek music genre, that was originally created from the 30's till the 50's, but was only recently inducted onto the UNESCO Cultural Heritage List.

After 9 years of consecutive touring, throughout Europe's festivals and venues and 3 successful albums (all in WMCE's top lists and with great reviews from world music magazines like fRoots), just this time in a trio form, will give us a taste of KOMPANI?A, who is again on the road for the autumn of 2021, with a brand new 4th album and a great mood, to meet new audiences all over the world and make them move in the Rebetiko rhythm!!!

Art Base, Friday 1/10/21 20h, 15E ( reduced 10E for students under 26 and jobseekers),
29 rue des Sables Zandstraat, 1000 Bruxelles. For reservations & more info to

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