image - HISTORY


Experience the Past, Celebrate the Future at HISTORY Festival!

Step into a world where music takes you on a journey through time and memories. HISTORY, the ultimate indoor festival, tells a story that will make your heart race and your feet move non-stop.

Get swept away by the best retro music from the ’90s and 2000s with a hardstyle twist. Relive the glory days of iconic hits, pounding beats, and unforgettable anthems. This is your soundtrack from the past.

Enjoy spectacular performances by artists from world level. These music legends like Raw-B, Q-IC, Mark with a K & MC Chucky, Pat B, Dark E and Lethal MG will bring your favorite classics to life with unmatched energy and passion. Prepare for breathtaking shows and surprise special guests.

HISTORY isn’t just a festival, it’s a musical time travel adventure filled with nostalgia and new memories.
With the best retro/hardstyle beats and an electrifying atmosphere, you’ll be dancing all night long.
Expect stunning light shows, impressive visuals, and a sound system that will tantalize your senses.

Don’t miss this epic celebration! Get your tickets and secure your spot at HISTORY. Let the music take you back to the best times of your life – and create new, unforgettable memories.

Come and experience HISTORY – where the past and future come together in an unforgettable musical experience. See you there!

LINE-UP (no time table):

Deejay Pat B
Dark E
Lethal MG
Mark With A K
MC Chucky

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