Mental Health in the Black Community

image - Mental Health in the Black Community

A propos

The theme of this year’s Black History Month Belgium is The Roots of our Health. This means not only Physical Health, but also Mental Health, and the possible way they interact and affect each other. It also means taking a deeper look at the factors affecting our Mental Health, including the ones related to our experiences of anti-Blackness and racism, be it interpersonal or systemic, structural and institutional. Professional Black practitioners in the field on Mental Health will come to talk about what led them to the field, how they perceive the state of the discussion on Mental Health within the Black community to be, the work that can and should be done to make de-stigmatize that discussion and therapy. They will share their experiences of treating Black patients, in the respect of the principle of confidentiality, and the particularities they have perceived. After their personal introduction and a panel-like discussion, the practitioners will open the floor to questions of the audience. IMPORTANT: This will be a Safer Space for Black People only FREE, but registration is mandatory, by email at
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