Elvin Brandhi + Tomi Yard w/ KRAAK

image - Elvin Brandhi + Tomi Yard w/ KRAAK

A propos

ELVIN BRANDHI Bridgend’s Freya Edmondes has been in the weirdo music circuits since her teens, back when she and her father Will took spastic highway free-rolling to new heights with their caustic electronics project Yeah You. As Elvin Brandhi, her signature stream-of-consciousness vocal pyrotechnics course through glitching collages of samples and field recordings, mutating into a full-blooded being that pulsates with an ominous vitality. https://soundcloud.com/elvin-brandhi-1 TOMI YARD A vagrant entity of the French earthlands, Tomi Yard exists through sounds picked up and perceived through years of digressive wanderings. The tunes he concocts are dreamy blendings of atmospheric pop and floaty ambient with a decidedly psychedelic bent, most audibly through the “audio memories of emotional states” that he released as 2019’s IDYS JIVZ. Aural jiving for some real mental escapades: exactly what the world needs today. https://ttoommiiyyaarrdd.bandcamp.com/releases
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