John Tracey and friends- Irish music on acoustic guitar

image - John Tracey and friends- Irish music on acoustic guitar

A propos

Fast developing a reputation as a superb homegrown guitar talent, Belfast-born John Tracey has played various instruments over the course of twenty years but has now established himself primarily as an acoustic fingerstyle guitarist. His debut solo album, Dangerous To Go Alone, released in February 2018, and his second album is due for release in 2022.

In the contemporary world of fingerstyle guitar where complex digital effects, percussive playing and open tunings prevail, Tracey takes a more melodic and transparent approach to his arrangements and compositions. Using nothing but his hands and his guitar, his clear, memorable melody lines shine through dynamic harmonies and rhythms.

Tracey has been described as having a 'warm and engaging' presence onstage by reviewers, and as a ‘guitar genius’ by Gary Lutton (Sky Arts' Guitar Star winner 2015). His musical style incorporates blues, folk, Irish traditional, jazz, ragtime and rock, and he has taken particular inspiration from artists and composers such as Tommy Emmanuel, Randy Newman, James Taylor, Koji Kondo and Alan Menken.

Tracey has regularly performed events and festivals around Ireland, Scotland and further afield in recent years, and is now based in Brussels, Belgium.

Art Base, Tuesday 30/11/21 20h, 15E ( reduced 10E for students under 26 and jobseekers),
29 rue des Sables Zandstraat, 1000 Bruxelles. For reservations & more info to

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