Unida (US) + Giac Taylor

image - Unida (US) + Giac Taylor

A propos

Collectif Mental proudly presents:

UNIDA (stoner/desert rock - US) - First time in Brussels!

Unida, the black souls of desert rock, are bringing the heavy to Brussels on 24th September!

Founding members Arthur Seay and Mike Cancino are bringing special guests Collyn McCoy (Ultra Electric Mega Galactic) and Mark Sunshine (RiotGod) along to deliver classic stoner hits and lay waste to Europe.

The classic album Coping with the Urban Coyote, released 25 years ago, will be performed along with special treats from the acclaimed The Best of Wayne-Gro.

This will be an evening in the sign of heavy rock, fuzz and worshipping of the riff. Make sure to not miss it!

• https://www.facebook.com/UnidaBand

GIAC TAYLOR (rock'n'roll)

Giac Taylor is the solo project of Giacomo Panarisi aka Romano Nervoso.

It all started in January 2021, when il signore Panarisi decided to make the most of lockdown. Isolating himself in his studio with his sound engineer, Moorad Agjij, he began working furiously on a lifelong goal he has always wanted to achieve; recording a solo album in less than a week. The concept is simple: wake up, compose tracks, record them the same day and finish an album in 7 days. Four albums ended up being recorded this way and released in 2021.

On stage, Giac Taylor is accompanied by experienced musicians and trusted friends, with his first concert taking place in March 2022. Since then, the project played over 100 gigs across Europe.

The release of his first official album is scheduled for early November 2024. 

• https://www.facebook.com/giactaylor

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Article 27

Laurence Bibot "Je playback"

18 sept 2024
Théatre / Spectacles Humour / Comédie
W:Halll - Centre culturel de Woluwe-Saint-Pierre
Sint-Pieters-Woluwe - Bruxelles
D’un côté, il y a les archives télévisées conservées par la Sonuma ; de l’autre, il y a Laurence Bibot qui s’en amuse dans des capsules parodiant les archétypes féminins : shampouineuse, directrice d’école, nymphette, ménagère de plus de 50 ans, femme dépressive ou exaltée, mais aussi des personnages connus, Barbara, Juliette Gréco, Soeur Sourire ou encore Amélie Nothomb dont la confection du chapeau haut aura nécessité des trésors d’imagination…
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Encore plus d'événements Région de Bruxelles-Capitale - Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
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