Carolina Mendonça & Catalina Insignares To know the vultures so well

image - Carolina Mendonça & Catalina Insignares To know the vultures so well

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60 min.
in English
Trigger warning: Loud and cacophonic sound
This is a story that has as much to do with the dead as with opening the registers of what is audible, a story of training as channellers, a story of conversations that take place amid very loud frequencies, a story about (missed) encounters with the dead in which we sometimes failed to understand one another.
Carolina and Catalina met in 2014, and since then, they have been collaborating and maintaining a very close complicity in different ways of working together.
Carolina Mendonça is a choreographer, performer and dramaturge. Her projects include 'Zones of Resplendence' (2023), 'Sirens' (2021), 'Pulp-History as a Warm Wet Place' (2018), 'useless land' (2018) in collaboration with Catalina Insignares, and 'We, the Undamaged others' (2017). She develops practical, theoretical research that she shares in workshops dealing with telepathy, levitation, and deep listening. As a dramaturge, Carolina works with Carolina Bianchi, Marcelo Evelin, Marcela Santander, and Dudu Quintanilha, among others.
Catalina Insignares is a Colombian choreographer based in Brussels. She’s interested in how to use the sensorial and fictional means of the body and touch to develop ways to communicate with the invisible. Her practice includes, among others, a duet danced with a participant over a few weeks ('us as a useless duet', 2015), a night reading addressed to sleeping bodies ('useless land', 2017), and sensory practices that listen to the connections we have with the dead ('landscapes of the dead', 2019; 'to know the vultures so well', 2022). She works through collaboration and long-term associations for choreography, dramaturgy, teaching and performance.

Creation & performance: Carolina Mendonça & Catalina Insignares
Sound collaboration: Edy Giraldo
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