The Luka State (UK) + Fervents

image - The Luka State (UK) + Fervents

A propos


from Winsford, on the outskirts of Manchester, The Luka State are doing

gritty rock ‘n’ roll their own way. Fronted by Conrad Ellis, the

four-piece’s debut album ‘Fall In Fall Out’ turned heads with its blend

of catchy choruses and big riffs, even in the midst of a pandemic.


their latest release ‘More Than This’ hits even harder, tackling issues

like mental health, love, and societal neglect. “Music has always been

therapy for me,” says Conrad Ellis, and it shows. These guys aren’t just

making music – they’re spreading a message.

Préventes : 20.50€ (tous frais compris)

is a punk band from Liège in the south-east of Belgium. Two years after
the release of their first EP, driven by the heady “Billy", the band
returned to the studio to record five rougher,
darker songs inspired by the grunge and hardcore punk scene.
by abrupt rhythms and unstoppable melodies, the band's three voices
speak out in unison against current social conformism, the struggle
against everyday addictions and the quest for a better life.
live performances have helped Fervents forge a solid reputation on the
live circuit, enabling them to play over 30 concerts across Belgium,
England and the Netherlands, and to
support bands such as Kills Birds, Cloud Nothings, Flat Worms and SONS

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Article 27

Laurence Bibot "Je playback"

18 sept 2024
Théatre / Spectacles Humour / Comédie
W:Halll - Centre culturel de Woluwe-Saint-Pierre
Sint-Pieters-Woluwe - Bruxelles
D’un côté, il y a les archives télévisées conservées par la Sonuma ; de l’autre, il y a Laurence Bibot qui s’en amuse dans des capsules parodiant les archétypes féminins : shampouineuse, directrice d’école, nymphette, ménagère de plus de 50 ans, femme dépressive ou exaltée, mais aussi des personnages connus, Barbara, Juliette Gréco, Soeur Sourire ou encore Amélie Nothomb dont la confection du chapeau haut aura nécessité des trésors d’imagination…
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